Getting Started With Time Cockpit
With time cockpit we want to a deliver innovative, customizable time tracking solution that enables organizations to optimize their workflows, increase their productivity, and achieve their business goals. We are committed to simplifying time tracking and empowering our customers to make the most of their time, by providing a flexible, intuitive tool that can be tailored to meet their specific needs.
What Can Time Cockpit Do For You?
Graphical Calendar
We want to make life easier for employees by providing a graphical calendar for creating and manipulating time sheet entries. Switch between day, week, or work week view depending on the level of details you need. The graphical visualization ensures that you will immediately recognize booking mistakes like missing time sheet entries or unwanted overlapping time sheet entries. For further information refer to Time Sheet Calendar.
Project-based Time Tracking
Effective project management requires accurate time tracking, which helps managers understand the time and effort needed to complete a project, allocate resources, and create realistic timelines. Time cockpit simplifies project-based time tracking, providing insights into project progress and resource utilization. For further information refer to Working with Timesheet Entries and Project-based Time Tracking.
Attendance Time Tracking
Time cockpit is focused on project-based time tracking, but it also provides features for attendance time tracking such as managing different working time models, calculating overtime, absence time management, working time violations and more. With that, it provides valuable data for downstream HR and payroll purposes. For further information refer to Attendance Time Tracking.
You track hours per task or per project, or do you need to assign cost centres? We ship a data model that works for many smaller companies, but we allow you to tailor time cockpit to your needs.
You can add new tables, complement existing tables with properties and relations and customize all lists and forms. There is a built-in scripting environment with IronPython and you can access the time cockpit API with .NET or Web API.
With time cockpit's customization capabilities, you can integrate it into your organizational structure and processes to streamline your work. Tailoring time cockpit to your unique business needs can help you automate time-consuming tasks and reduce the need for manual work. Free up time for employees to focus on more high-value activities, ultimately improving productivity and reducing costs. If you want to learn more please schedule a call at